Weber Unika

The Weber Unika newly arrived in the home of Kurt De Jonghe (in Meulebeke, Belgium).
The Weber Unika as found by Kurt De Jonghe in April of 2002, but with its case cleaned up and the instrument now happily ensconced in the home of its new owner, mechanical music enthusiast Kurt De Jonghe, of Meulebeke, Belgium.
Detail of the inlaid "Weber Unika" trademark and of the small retail distributor's sign on the front of the oak case.
Close-up of the Weber Unika trademark, consisting of bright brass lettering inlaid into the front panel of the Unika's oak case. The small embossed brass retail distributor's sign above the inlay reads: "GÉRARD G.I. L,RUE DES FABRIQUES BRUXELLES."
Detail of the inlaid text on the fall-board, which reads: "Waldkircher Orchestrion Fabrik  Gebr, Weber G.mb.h  Waldkirch."
Close-up of the inlaid brass lettering on the inside of the piano fall-board. It reads: "Waldkircher Orchestrion Fabrik Gebr, Weber G.mb.h Waldkirch."
Detail of the inlaid text above the keyboard, which reads: "Gérard G.J.  Bruxelles  Rue des Fabriques."
Close-up of the inlaid brass lettering just above the keyboard. It reads: "Gérard G.J. Bruxelles Rue des Fabriques."